Service Array:
Individual Skill Development and Enhancement
Wellness Management
I was born in Birchwood, Wisconsin; and lived there until I was 17 years old and out on my own. In my childhood I was exposed to drug and alcohol abuse at a very early age. I was raised by an abusive parent who struggled with addiction and a complacent parent in denial of what was happening behind closed doors. In my teen years I started partying. I also struggled with depression, anger, and self-harm. At 17 years old I moved out on my own to go to college in Milwaukee, where the partying continued.
I became pregnant with my first child less than 1 year after I graduated high school, and my whole world stopped. There I was, an 18-year-old, pregnant, single mom with no money, no home, no job, and suddenly no friends. I was able to get a job in a bar/restaurant. Over the next 3 years I moved 12 times, including down to Texas and back in less than 1 year. Finally, I got an apartment. I still had some major anger issues that caused me to be evicted from my apartment after less than 6 months. I was arrested a short time after that for an assault charge due to an angry outburst. I found a place to live again after that for my daughter and I knew that for her sake and mine I had to do better. After that, I started pursuing my degree again. Around that time, I joined a gym and started working with a coach. In less than 3 months I changed my major from biology to exercise science. Fitness gave me a productive outlet for my anger, which was exactly what was missing from my life.
Fitness started changing my life. I can confidently say that without fitness, I wouldn’t have the values and character that I have today. Fitness taught me about discipline, and sticking with something for delayed gratification, which is the exact opposite mindset I had in my partying years when all of my decisions were based on what I wanted at that moment. My life was so revolutionized that I knew it was my calling to provide support and knowledge to others to help them with their fitness and mindsets as well. In 2020 I opened my fitness studio, and I was overwhelmed with the interest that was coming into the studio. In less than 6 months I reached client capacity and had to start a waiting list. The studio has provided an environment for clients that truly is nonjudgmental, and supports clients goals in both a physical and mental sense.
I’m a firm believer that sharing my experiences can help provide a unique advantage in connecting with people who can be closed off about similar situations for fear of being judged. My goal is to be a firsthand example of how one small decision can end up changing your entire life for the better. I look forward to sharing what I have learned this far with those who can identify with similar struggles but aren’t certain what next steps to take.
This individual is an Independent Contractor through Shred Shed.