Service Array:
Individual Skill Development and Enhancement

Growing up I was part of a pretty typical middle class family. I was fortunate, I knew this back then, and know it better now as an adult. However, although my immediate family was stable and filled with positive influences, my parents never hid the tough parts of life from me. They openly talked with me about the impacts that drugs, alcohol, and overall addiction had on others around us, including extended family. 

During my senior year of high school I was faced with a difficult challenge that exposed some of my own mental health difficulties. Fortunately I had positive adults in my life to recognize what I was going through and helped me seek support. Mental health has since been an open dialogue within my family and friend groups. At that time I used social events, and exercise as outlets to help keep myself going strong.  

After high school I attended college to become a teacher, graduating in 2014 and started my teaching career in the area of Special Education, as well as coaching high school athletics. My life was going fine. Then In 2020 I found Crossfit & running and my mental health never seemed better. Crossfit gave me the social connections and exercise that I thrived on throughout my toughest of times. Life continues to be everchanging with a new challenge always in front of me, however fitness continues to be an outlet that keeps it all running smoothly. 


I continue to teach, coach and work various part time jobs to stay connected with my communities. Overall, I enjoy helping others and making human connections with as many people as possible!