Service Array:
Individual Skill Development and Enhancement
I grew up in a family atmosphere where my parents were divorced. I didn’t really know who my father was until I was 10 years old. I had a great stepfather who raised me as his own, but he had some of his own demons to fight with. My childhood was open to seeing drug use and alcoholism in the household but didn’t allow that to be my destiny. Instead went out and did the best of things I could. I was born in North Hollywood Ca. and grew up in Sumner WA. After graduation I moved to Wisconsin where I feel my life really started. I met my future wife, fell in love and enlisted in the AirForce. This is where I learned discipline and a hard work ethic. I am a true believer in what you put in you get out of. All aspects of my work life I have put that mentality in and rose into the positions I’ve held. At the age of 50 I made a life and career change to really get involved in helping others. I have a friend that recognized who I could be instead of just settling on who I was at the time. I was miserable and depressed, stressed out and ready to live that life. I left a factory job for 31 years became a personal trainer and now I help others to better themselves. Key is to feel good about you no matter what that you are. I now own my own business, compete and get to spend the family time I’ve wanted for years. Just remember everybody is different and everybody is dealing with life. Just show some compassion and love, it goes a long way.
This individual is an Independent Contractor through Stronger Version Fitness.