Service Array:

Born and raised in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, I have been contributing to the community in the field of Human Services for almost three decades. I hold a Master’s in Social Work from the University of Minnesota, am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker through the state of Wisconsin, and worked as a therapist for over twenty years. For the past sixteen years, I have been a psychotherapist with Caillier Clinic. There, I work with adults, children, families and couples, and specialize in treatment for sexual abuse, including conducting psychosexual evaluations, treatment for sex offenders and therapy for victims of abuse.

Prior to and in addition to my work at Caillier Clinic, I helped start and was the first Executive Director of the Interfaith Hospitality Network, a shelter for unhoused families. The organization went on to purchase Beacon House and later became Family Promise of the Chippewa Valley. Additionally, I was the Community Assistance Director of the Salvation Army, where I created and administered a shelter program for unhoused adults and oversaw daily operations of the food pantry. At Lutheran Social Services, I provided in-home family therapy for those referred through the Department of Human Services.

My work allows me to assist diverse populations in the Chippewa Valley, and treat each person with the utmost dignity and respect. As a Clinical Supervisor with We Adapt, it’s exciting to witness the energy and commitment mentors bring to their work with participants and families in our region.