Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement Howdy hey! My name is Claud (she/they) and I’m so excited to work together with you on your goals! Growing up as a queer kid in a very small religious and conservative community in the farmlands of SE Wisconsin. Growing up as a queer kid in this setting…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement I grew up in a smaller town in Western Waukesha County in a working class family with parents trying to give their kids a better life than they had. My dad has been a recovering alcoholic since I was six. Being an overweight darker completed Mexican-American in a…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement Growing up in a small town in southeastern Minnesota, I had the blessing of growing up with two loving parents in the home until tragedy struck when I was 12 years old and my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Navigating those years while she was sick was…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement My name is Nivaya Lambert. I grew up in Eau Claire, WI in a single parent household. My mom always worked hard to provide for my brother and me. My mom was a special education assistant and has always taught me to love everyone no matter what their…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement I was born and raised in Cumberland Wi. I would say I had a good upbringing, good parents, a home, all my needs met. Even with all that, there was a part of me that was lost in middle school. I started drinking and by the time I…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement Raised by a father and sharing a room with my brother who both have bipolar has taught me a lot. Not only has it taught me about them, but about myself as well. I got see firsthand how badly they tried to shake the stigmas that came along…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement Born in Chicago IL, I grew up in less than desirable circumstances. As a child I did not have a role model. I joined the street organization where I spent most of my younger years in life. My mother had to work leaving me to raise my siblings…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement Wellness Management and Recovery Having grown up the youngest of four brothers in a family of six, with little financial resources, I relied on my creativity for fun. Luckily, we had a big back yard with  enough trees to get lost, build forts, or adventure through imaginary worlds.…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement My name is Brian, and I am in recovery. My earliest memories were growing up on my grandfather’s farm. My mother left my father because of his alcohol addiction  when I was a baby. We moved back to my mother’s childhood home. She remarried when I was 5…

Service Array: Individual Skill Development and Enhancement Wellness Management I was born in Birchwood, Wisconsin; and lived there until I was 17 years old and out on my own. In my childhood I was exposed to drug and alcohol abuse at a very early age. I was raised by an abusive parent who struggled with…